Environmental & Climate Justice

Environmental & Climate Justice

Achieving an ecologically sustainable world is inextricably tied to achieving environmental justice and climate justice.


Memorial to Enslaved Laborers - The Equity Center


As a society, we are increasingly coming to understand the profound connections between ecological sustainability and human rights. One cannot be achieved without the other. At the University, students, faculty and staff in dozens of schools and departments are working with purpose and passion to further explore and address this urgent issue of environmental and climate justice.

Listed here are some of the University’s programs, policies and partnerships focused on the intersections of equity and the environment.  This page is a work in progress and will continually be developed. The Office for Sustainability welcomes your feedback, questions, collaboration and ideas.


UVA Strategic Plans
Office for Sustainability & Committee on Sustainability

Co-host of intersectional events, including: 

Email us to share a collaboration idea: sustainability [at] virginia.edu 

Initiatives Across UVA


Local, Regional and State Organizations
  • Cultivate Charlottesville -Engages with youth and community to build a healthy and just food system in Central Virginia.
  • Community Climate Collaborative – Catalyzes local climate action through partnerships, programs and advocacy and through a lens of inclusion, diversity and equity.
  • Virginia Council on Environmental Justice - Advisory group appointed by the Governor whose mission is to ensure that environmental justice concerns are understood and a framework is in place to address them.
  • Virginia Environmental Justice Collaborative – Nonprofit group that builds the health and wealth of communities of color, low-income communities, and communities overburdened by pollution in Virginia.
  • Virginia Interfaith Power and Light – Collaborates among people of faith and conscience to grow healthy communities by advancing climate and environmental justice.
  • Southern Environmental Law Center- Nonprofit law and advocacy organization working to protect clean air and water, preserve the region’s natural resources, and provide a healthy environment for all.


Higher Education Resources

Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) - The 2021 Anthology on Racial Equity and Social Justice