Single-use Plastics

Single-use Plastics

The University of Virginia’s 2030 Sustainability Plan includes a goal to reduce the total amount of waste to 70% below 2010 levels by 2030. To achieve this, the University must significantly reduce materials used, including single-use plastics.

As a state entity, the University began prohibiting certain single-use plastics in July 2021 under gubernatorial Executive Order 77. In April 2022, Executive Order 77 was rescinded, but UVA maintained its commitment to reducing plastics. In July 2024, University Policy PRM-003: Waste Minimization and Landfill Diversion was updated to include clear guidance on single-use plastics. Section 1 of the policy states:

UVA is committed to reducing single-use plastics on Grounds and shall not purchase, sell, or distribute certain single-use plastics when alternatives are available.

UVA will not purchase, distribute, or sell the following:

  • Single-use plastic and polystyrene food service containers (plates, cups, bowls, lids, trays, sauce containers, and hinged containers)
  • Single-use disposable plastic straws and cutlery (straws, forks, spoons, knives, and stirrers)
  • Single-use plastic water bottles (non-nutrient enhanced) up to and including 33 ounces
  • Disposable plastic shopping bags

These single-use plastic items must be replaced with reusable materials or locally compostable alternatives. The use of water refill stations should be prioritized to support the transition from single-use plastics to reusable materials.


These requirements apply to:

1) purchases made with University funds;

2) all units, University-Associated Organizations, and/or affiliates (e.g., caterers, food service providers) operating or providing a service on Grounds;

3) all events and projects occurring on University Grounds or in University-owned buildings. 

Purchasers and service providers are expected to take all reasonable efforts to replace these materials with reusable or compostable alternatives. UVA will reduce and to the extent possible, eliminate, expanded polystyrene (Styrofoam), additional single-use plastics beyond those listed above – such as individually-wrapped items with bulk alternatives, plastic giveaways, and beverage bottles when feasible.

  1. Exceptions:
    There may be instances where the aforementioned single-use plastics cannot be avoided. Exceptions include but are not limited to emergencies, public health concerns, and patient care.

  2. Zero Waste Events: All events must adhere to the single-use plastics requirements noted above. If all food-service materials being used for the event are compostable or reusable, efforts must be made to request compost collection bins.


See UVA’s Policy Page for more 


Frequently Asked Questions

What changes can I expect on Grounds?

As of July 21, 2021, UVA entities are no longer purchasing single-use plastic bags, cutlery, food containers, and straws. Some existing inventory will continue to be used until depleted. The University will phase out plastic water bottles to the extent possible. As we phase out plastics, we will introduce alternate materials that are reusable, compostable or otherwise more sustainable. We will also increase publicly accessible compost bins across Grounds to divert as much waste as possible. 

Here are some examples of adjustments UVA made starting in July 2021, building upon years of waste reduction initiatives: 

  • Facilities and venues across Grounds added more visible zero-waste strategies such as stations to refill reusable water bottles, more compostable food and drink containers, and more composting and recycling bins. 
  • UVA Dine facilities provides utensils and food-service items made solely from compostable materials rather than plastic.
  • Stores and dining facilities on Grounds offer patrons the option of no bag (use your backpack or tote), a reusable bag or a paper bag. 
  • UVA’s centralized waste program for academic spaces, which co-locates recycling and landfill containers in central building locations, continues to expand.
Where can I learn more about UVA’s waste, composting and recycling systems?

At UVA we sort our waste into three separate streams: recycling, composting, and landfill. All items recycled on Grounds are hand-sorted by our UVA Recycling team at the Fontana Sort Facility (we do tours if you’re interested!). Our compostable items head across the mountain to Black Bear Composting in Crimora, Virginia. As a last resort, items that cannot be recycled, composted, or reused are sent to landfills within a 100-mile radius of UVA. 

See more specifics about waste minimization efforts on our Materials & Waste page or view the Where Does UVA's Waste Go Guide.

Does this apply to the UVA Health and/or research laboratories?

Plastic-reduction requirements do apply to UVA Health and research labs - for example, when purchasing for an event or stocking a kitchenette. However, certain plastics necessary for medical and/or research purposes are currently exempt.

What is required of UVA-affiliated units, foundations, contractors, satellite locations, etc.?

The requirements apply to: 1) any purchases made with UVA funds; 2) all units, foundations and/or affiliates operating or providing a service on Grounds or in UVA-owned buildings; and 3) all events and projects taking place on UVA’s Grounds.

Email the Office for Sustainability [[email protected]] if you’d like to ask specifically about expectations for your department or unit.

Are area caterers required to comply with UVA’s needs for plastic alternatives?

All official UVA vendors have been asked to comply with our waste minimization goals by December 2022. Some caterers have been using compostable wares for years, whereas others are still learning. However, almost all area businesses should be willing to work with you to meet your needs.

Are all items from Eco-Products, Inc. compostable?

Unfortunately not. Eco-Products also offers non-compostable product lines. Always check each product.

Is boxed water an acceptable alternative for single-use plastic water bottles?

At this time, boxed water is not an acceptable alternative at UVA, because these cartons contain certain non-paper materials and are not recyclable on Grounds.

What if alternative items cost more?

Reusable and compostable products often cost more than single-use plastics, so you may experience a budget adjustment period. If you feel you need more resources to do your job, talk to your supervisor.

Ideas to offset higher cost:

  • Encourage the use of reusable options when possible (utensils, water bottles).
  • Work with caterers who provide compostables at no additional cost.
  • Prioritize hand-held food so that utensils aren’t needed.
  • Encourage use of water refill stations instead of providing drinks.
  • Host meetings at non-meal hours to reduce overall annual catering expenditures.
What if someone asks me to order something I’m not allowed to order?

You can remind colleagues about these single-use plastic requirements by sending them a link to this webpage and offering to order alternative items.

If I have compostable wares at my event, how can I request compost bins?

To request compost, recycling, and/or landfill bins for your event, contact UVA Recycling at least five business days in advance at [email protected] or 434-982-5050.

How can I request UVA’s portable water refill station for my outdoor events?

The H2O 2 GO outdoor refill station can be requested at no cost by emailing [email protected] with your event name, date, start time, end time, location, contact name/phone/email, and estimated attendance.

What if my caterer brought me single-use plastic items?

There will be an adjustment period for many caterers, so go ahead and use plastic items if that’s what you were brought even after requesting compostable alternatives. If this happens, remove compost bins from the space to avoid contamination, and email [email protected] so we can follow up.

Examples of compostable materials.


Single-Use Plastics Resources

University Stakeholders

Please review this slide deck for an overview of expectations and resources regarding single-use plastics. Contact the Office for Sustainability if you have questions ([email protected])


Eco-Products A sustainable food packaging products resource. Contact Alita Salley ([email protected]) with UVA Procurement. 

Event Planners

UVA's Zero Waste Events Guide (updated 2022)

Staff/Faculty: Contact Shannon Sahs with the Office for Sustainability ([email protected])

Students: Contact Lela Garner with the Office for Sustainability ([email protected])