Climate Goals FAQ
In 2020, UVA released its Sustainability Plan for the next several decades. The primary goals are to be carbon neutral by 2030 and fossil fuel free by 2050.
Read the 2030 SustaiNability plan
- What are UVA's climate goals?
UVA will be carbon neutral by 2030 and fossil fuel free by 2050. More details on goals and progress.
- What is the difference between these goals?
Carbon Neutral: All carbon emissions are mitigated to zero.
Fossil Fuel Free: No fossil fuels are used on Grounds to support UVA operations, including heating and cooling, electricity sources, and transportation.
- What do UVA's carbon neutrality goals include?
UVA’s carbon neutrality includes emissions related to the functional operation of the University. This best aligns with The Climate Registry’s Protocol and Operational Control Approach, which includes emission sources UVA has the authority to affect through operating policies and initiatives. UVA’s GHG emissions are generated from four distinct sources: Fuel, Transportation, Electricity, and Operations Support. Fuel includes coal, natural gas, distillate oil, and propane used on Grounds. Transportation includes direct emissions from UVA-owned buses, fleet vehicles and jet. Electricity emissions are the result of electricity purchased from the electrical grid. Operations Support includes greenhouse gas emissions from fertilizer and refrigerants.
In greenhouse gas inventory terms, this means that UVA’s carbon goal includes all emissions for Scope 1 (fuel, fleet transportation, fertilizer, and refrigerants) and Scope 2 (purchased electricity).
- What are the boundaries for the goals?
The carbon neutrality and fossil fuel free goals include all UVA-owned properties in the vicinity of Main Grounds in City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County, which are both Academic and Health System properties (approximately 550 buildings). These buildings use purchased electricity, both utility scale solar and non-renewable electricity and thermal energy provided from one of UVA’s heating or chilled water plants. UVA’s climate goal includes all Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions within this boundary.
As UVA Real Estate Foundation properties contiguous to Main Grounds are acquired by UVA they are added to the inventory and considered growth. UVA Real Estate Foundation, University Physicians Group, College at Wise, leased properties, and satellite properties are not currently included in the goal because they are either outside of UVA’s operational control or utility data is not available.
- What about UVA's Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions?
UVA tracks Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions such as faculty, staff, and student commuting, business air travel and study abroad travel are also tracked. This inventory tracking continues to improve as more data over a broader scope continue to be collected. As this information improves and becomes available, UVA is partnering with the City and the County to develop strategies to address those impacts. For example, commuting is currently included in Albemarle County’s greenhouse gas inventory and strategies to reduce those emissions are addressed through a regional approach.
- What about UVA's properties that are not located in the Charlottesville area?
UVA is actively expanding data sets to develop a larger inventory. As data availability increases for properties outside of the properties already included, UVA will seek to include additional owned North American properties in the GHG inventory, in alignment with Climate Registry Operational Control methodologies. Though these properties aren’t currently calculated, emissions reductions strategies are still actively assessed and implemented when possible.
- How are these goals calculated and how is progress assessed?
UVA’s greenhouse gas inventory is calculated each calendar year, measured against a 2010 baseline, using the web-based Sustainability Indicator Management & Analysis Platform (SIMAP) developed by the University of New Hampshire. The methodologies in this third-party tool are aligned with the recommendations of the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) guidance, which refers to The Climate Registry’s General Reporting Protocol and the World Resource Institutes’ Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. The calculation includes the metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent for internationally-recognized greenhouse gases CO2, CH4, N20, and HFCs. For more detail see the annual UVA GHG Inventory reports.
- What happens between now and 2030?
UVA will prioritize strategies which aggressively reduce carbon emissions. By reducing our carbon footprint, we minimize the expenditure necessary for renewable energy credits and carbon offsets in 2030 and beyond.
- What is the role of carbon offsets and RECs?
UVA’s primary approach in meeting the university’s 2030 carbon neutrality goal focuses on direct reductions - strategies that can be implemented on Grounds - because of their impact and cost-effectiveness. The second approach looks towards renewable energy, both on and off Grounds. With these strategies and anticipated improvements in the University’s regional electrical grid, the University currently expects to be able to significantly reduce emissions.
Because of skepticism that carbon offset credits can meaningfully contribute to climate change mitigation and questions regarding the validity and impact of carbon offsets to meet climate objectives, the University will not purchase carbon offsets and is only considering high-quality, vetted carbon removal projects (not carbon offset projects) that have been identified by Giving Green. The carbon offset and carbon removal market are rapidly advancing, so this framework will be re-visited annually to ensure that the University’s approach is based on the best information currently available. Offsets and removal credits cannot be used to meet UVA’s 2050 fossil fuel-free goal.
More detail can be found on the carbon removals and offsets page.
- What are next steps and how can I get involved?
In 2020 UVA will develop a new climate action plan for these goals, including further analysis on energy sources, existing buildings, new construction, transportation, equity, engagement, and including working with UVA schools and business units, William & Mary, and with the city and county through Climate Action Together on specific strategies, particularly with a climate justice and equity focus. Please contact [email protected] to share ideas or to get involved in the process and subscribe to the UVA Sustainability newsletter for updates.