Carbon Removals and Offsets at UVA
UVA’s primary approach in meeting the university’s 2030 carbon neutrality goal focuses on direct reductions - strategies that can be implemented on Grounds - because of their impact and cost-effectiveness. The second approach looks towards renewable energy, both on and off Grounds. With these strategies and anticipated improvements in the University’s regional electrical grid, the University currently expects to be able to significantly reduce emissions.
In theory, carbon offset credits provide an opportunity to reduce emissions at lower cost. However, there is considerable skepticism about whether carbon offset credits can meaningfully contribute to climate change mitigation. Because of questions regarding the validity and impact of carbon offsets to meet climate objectives, in 2022, the Committee on Sustainability appointed a task force to make recommendations on initial guidance for the University, which have been endorsed by the University president and executive leadership.
Read the 2023 Carbon Removals and Offsets Task Force Report
The carbon offset and carbon removal market are rapidly advancing, so this framework will be re-visited annually to ensure that the University’s approach is based on the best information currently available.
If UVA schools and units have pursued all viable emissions reduction strategies on Grounds or via renewable energy, and are interested in further reductions, schools and units may purchase high-quality, vetted carbon removal projects (not carbon offset projects) that have been identified by Giving Green, an organization that uses robust research and data analytics to identify high-impact projects. These must be purchased centrally, through UVA Facilities Management Finance, to help ensure that carbon reduction-related projects that affiliates would like to pursue can be vetted by the university.
University funds (including student fees) should not be used to purchase removals or offsets outside of this university framework, and university schools and units should not make claims or statements about emissions reductions or carbon neutrality from carbon offsets or carbon removals unless this framework is followed. Ensuring carbon credits are meaningful, valid, and high impact, mitigates financial and reputational risks to the University.