ROSE Program and ReUse Store
ROSE Program
The Reusable Office Supply Exchange (ROSE) collects gently or never used office supplies from departments throughout UVA and the Medical Center and makes these materials available -- FREE -- to students, staff and faculty, as well as to the broader public community.
The main ROSE Program is located at 580 McCormick, the lower level. The store is open Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8 AM to 2 PM. If you would like to make a donation to the ROSE Program, please call 434-982-5050 or email [email protected].
The Medical Center has a satellite site called the ROSE Closet, where health staff can drop off and pick up items. The Closet is open every third Tuesday in the Dining Conference Rooms in the main hospital 9:30 am - 2:00 pm except December. Questions? Call 434-924-5527 or email [email protected].
Please note: We are only able to accept donations from UVA-affiliates. These ROSE sites are only for office supplies, not furniture. See below for the ReUse Store.
ReUse Store
The ReUse Store supports the collection, sale and reuse of surplus UVA property, including unclaimed, lost or abandoned property, regardless of age and condition. The program supports the University's sustainability efforts by extending the life cycle of items that may have otherwise been directed to a landfill.
The ReUse Store handles desks, chairs, shelving, other furnishings, general surplus items and computer/electronic surplus equipment.
It is also located at 580 McCormick, on the upper level. Hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Email [email protected]; phone (434) 243-0295