Sustainability Webinars
MR5 Sustainable Labs Town Hall
The MR5 Sustainable Labs Town Hall at UVA informed occupants about upcoming work, its alignment with UVA Sustainability goals, and provided details on connecting with key stakeholders. Contact [email protected] for any inquiries regarding the project.
Addressing Environmental Health Equity
This panel discussion hosted by Medical Center Hour focuses on how people in the health sector can help address environmental health inequity in Virginia. Speakers include Dr. Ebony Hilton (UVA Anesthesiologist), Dr. Irène Mathieu (UVA Pediatrician), Tracy Kelly (UVA Pediatric Nurse Practitioner), and Lena Bichell (UVA Medical Student).
Sustainability Leadership Award 2022
The award honors UVA faculty, staff and students, as well as community members and organizations who exhibit this overall commitment to advancing sustainability practices and solutions. The award is hosted by UVA's Civic Engagement Subcommittee of the Committee on Sustainability. In this video, co-chairs Christie Julien and Erika Herz discuss the nominations process and how final the winners are selected.
Smart Labs Chemistry Town Hall
The Smart Labs Chemistry Town Hall meeting was held Wednesday, September 28th, 2022. Members of the Chemistry Department were invited to learn about upcoming upgrades to their building and the Smart Labs process. You can review the video of the recorded meeting below or email [email protected] with questions.
Climate Action Workshop - Planning for a Fossil Fuel Free UVA
Guest speaker Paul Zmick (Director of Energy and Utilities) joined UVA's Energy Working Group for a presentation and discussion on the pathways for decarbonizing thermal energy production at the University.
UVA's Single-Use Plastics Reduction Strategy
Watch this recording for an update and discussion on UVA's Single-Use Plastics Reduction Plan. Learn what has been going on behind the scenes at UVA and hear ideas for cutting plastics out of our personal lives as well.
Sustainability in Healthcare at UVA & Beyond
This presentation to the UVA Health Pathology Department is relevant to any UVA Health employee or sustainable health advocate. The discussion includes the sector’s contributions to climate change, strategic planning initiatives at UVA, information about the Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action, UVA’s sustainability goals and engagement opportunities like the Green Labs program, Health System Sustainability Committee and more.
Menstrual Movement: Period Equity at UVA & Beyond
Join the UVA Office of Sustainability, Protect Our Breasts at UVA, the Maxine Platzer Lynn Women’s Center, and Women’s Voices of the Earth for a conversation on the intersection of sustainability, equity, and feminine care products.
Smart Labs MR4 Town Hall
The Office for Sustainability's Building and Operations team is proud to launch the Smart Labs Program in the Medical Research-4 lab building. Originally constructed in 1984, MR-4 will be undergoing LED lighting upgrades and ventilation risk assessments resulting in right-sized ventilation for critical research spaces. This Smart Labs virtual town hall introduces MR-4 occupants to the strategies that will reduce energy and enhance safety in their building.
Level Up Your Composting to Fight Climate Change Virtual Lunch-and-Learn
Hosts Eric Walter (Black Bear Composting) and Dana Schroeder (UVA Sustainability) promise that this casual, virtual lunch-and-learn will give you some new ideas to “level up your composting” whether you are already experienced or just getting started.
Equity & Environment Fund Workshop
Hear from the UVA Sustainability Civic Engagement Subcommittee to learn about the UVA Equity & Environment Fund for student-community collaborations. The fund has over $30,000 available to help support any meaningful project, event, or initiative at the intersection of equity and the environment.
Breaking Down Compost: A Student-Focused Introduction to Composting on Grounds
Join the Office for Sustainability and the Materials Working Group for an introductory overview of composting efforts on Grounds. Content includes what we compost, where we compost, and how we can continually expand efforts at UVA.
Carbon Neutrality at UVA Webinar
Join Ethan Heil, an energy engineer in UVA's Office for Sustainability, as he walks through the basics of carbon neutrality and discusses the tactics UVA will use to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.